old catholics中文什么意思

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  1. Old catholic church
  2. If the cathedral of the good shepherd is the oldest catholic church in singapore , which one comes after it
  3. A four - year - old catholic boy was playing with a four - year - old protestant girl in a children ' s pool in the backyard
  4. I argued that the obliterate dialog box should include a photograph of a 75 - year old catholic nun scowling and holding a yardstick
  5. She remembered - betwixt a smile and a shudder - the talk of the neighbouring townspeople ; who , seeking vainly elsewhere for the child s paternity , and observing some of her old attributes , had given out that poor little pearl was a demon ffspring ; such as , ever since old catholic times , had occasionally been seer , on earth , through the agency of their mother s sin , and to promote some foul and wicked purpose


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  4. old catholic 什么意思
  5. old catholic church 什么意思
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